Visitor Policy
For the safety of our students, a NEW Morning Drop Off and Tardy Policy is being implemented. On Mondays, parents are welcome to stay for the assembly but are asked to leave once the assembly is over.
- The new morning entry gate will be in the middle of the block on Corinth. All foot traffic should enter through this gate until 8:12am.
- Students who arrive after 8:12am will have to enter through the Front/Main Gate, will be given a tardy slip from the office and must walk immediately to class.
- Parents /Guardians and all non-employee adults are NOT permitted on campus after 8:07am.
Some teachers implement Breakfast In the Classroom (BIC) volunteers. Those teachers will each be given two BIC volunteer badges to give to parents who wish to volunteer.
Please remember that volunteers MAY NOT bring non school-aged children on campus when they volunteer - it is against District policy.